Sunday 1 May 2016

The ABC Double D's of Burlesque Kickstarter is LIVE! Only 18 days left!!

It's happening!! We are almost 2 weeks into our Kickstarter campaign as we raise funds for the printing and live stage version of The ABC Double D's of Burlesque! We have raised 15% of the funding needed to complete this project! We are so excited to be able to share our work with the world! Please visit our Kickstarter page and take a look at our video! We have so many great rewards for you to choose from!! Stickers, postcard colouring books, garter belts, silkscreen prints, tickets to our live show, and of course, copies of The ABC Double D's of Burlesque! 

We can't do this without your support! Any sharing on your social networks is gratefully appreciated! Don't miss your chance to own a piece of burlesque history!

Support our Kickstarter HERE
