Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Easy and Excellent Act Development

 Whether you are a newbie boobie or an experienced exotic, we all face performer’s block. Developing that next great act can feel difficult, overwhelming or just plain old ‘meh.” In these uninspiring moments it is important to remember to do the work. Take the time to be thoughtful about what you would like to express and try new ways to get there. I love a good brainstorm!! Try this technique on your own or even have a jam session with a like minded burly bestie.

Find your Muse

We call them “seeds.” Anything can be a seed for an upcoming act! Remember that it is just a small piece of the puzzle and it is not a full flushed idea yet. It is a small idea that has the potential to grow into something more. Just keep your eyes and ears open for any words, songs, colours, people, situations, ideas, phrases that might have some potential inspiration. Try collecting any remotely interesting seeds in a way that is easy and convenient for you. Pinterest, notes on your phone or even a good old fashioned notebook are all options. 

Make a Map

Now that you have your itty bitty bits of an idea. Take that one thing and create a mind map around it. Ideally you place your word or idea in the centre of a page and then write down any words or thoughts that you associate with it. If you picked unicorn, write down all the things you can think of that a unicorn would like, what hobbies he might have, where he would hang out and what he would wear. Sometimes there can be comedic value in doing the opposite and writing down all the places and things that a unicorn wouldn’t go, wear or do.

Find your Premise

Start with the end in mind. A simple way to approach an act is to try to think about it as a narrative. What is the story you want to tell? What does your character want? Who or what what stands in their way. A premise explains the entirety of your act in one sentence. Example: A Unicorn wants to fly!

Escalate / Surprise

The great thing about being the creator of your burlesque universe is that there are no limits. Often, the silliest or most imaginative thing you can think of will also translate to being incredibly entertaining when performed on stage. Escalate your scenario! What problems could a unicorn face trying to fly? The element of surprise is key! Maybe the Unicorn tries to use a balloon to fly but ends up popping it with her horn when she lifts off. Try to think of plot twists or an unexpected /interesting reveal.

What are your favourite ways to brainstorm? Let us know in the comments below.
