Sunday, 1 May 2016

The ABC Double D's of Burlesque Kickstarter is LIVE! Only 18 days left!!

It's happening!! We are almost 2 weeks into our Kickstarter campaign as we raise funds for the printing and live stage version of The ABC Double D's of Burlesque! We have raised 15% of the funding needed to complete this project! We are so excited to be able to share our work with the world! Please visit our Kickstarter page and take a look at our video! We have so many great rewards for you to choose from!! Stickers, postcard colouring books, garter belts, silkscreen prints, tickets to our live show, and of course, copies of The ABC Double D's of Burlesque! 

We can't do this without your support! Any sharing on your social networks is gratefully appreciated! Don't miss your chance to own a piece of burlesque history!

Support our Kickstarter HERE


Wednesday, 9 March 2016

All Hail the King!

We were so excited to dish with the current reigning King of Boylesque Matt Finish about everything from the necessity of swarovskis to whether or not men should compete in the Best Debut category at the Burlesque Hall of Fame. Read on for all the juicy details! 

Photo by Jones Photo Lab
Do you think burlesque and boylesque are inherently different? Should BHOF consider allowing male identifying performers to compete in Best Debut? 

Oy, what a question! I think of boylesque as a category of burlesque. When I’m asked what I do, I am a burlesque performer doing boylesque. For me they’re synonymous. I’ve have heard a lot of discussion about the differences between burlesque and boylesque having to do with gender presentation and so on but they aren’t mutually exclusive.

Photo by Jones Photo Lab
I don’t believe there’s a need for a Best Debut competition for boylesque performers. The main reason for this is there simply aren’t that many of them compared to the women (yes, I know, female presenting- what a mouthful). It’s difficult to discuss that further without really picking apart the gender politics of burlesque. Shouldn’t the boylesque performers have to go through as many stages as the debut and MEW competitors to get there? Are they held to the same standards as the MEW performers (No they aren’t). Eventually I think it will happen as the boylesque community continues to grow, but I’m not certain that currently there’s a large enough pool of competitors to support a Debut and King competition. The average Mr. Exotic World competition features only 4 performers versus MEW which has approximately a gazillion.

What has been your favourite experience as the King of Boylesque so far? 

By far the best moment for me was seeing my parents right after the competition. They came to BHOF for one night just to see me perform. I know that a lot of performers have complicated relationships with their families so I feel very fortunate that mine have been supportive since day 1. 

Matt onstage with his parents at
Red Hots Burlesque in San Francisco
Every time I talk to my mom about headlining a festival or even just performing in my own local show she always tells me how proud she and my father are of me. I had a lot of support from friends and fellow performers on my way to BHOF but having the support of my parents helped the most.

Any projects you can’t wait to work on? 

You’re asking for all of my secrets! That’s okay, I can share. My favorite ballet has always been ‘The Afternoon of A Faun’ and I’m developing a new act based on Nijinski’s choreography. If you haven’t ever watched it I                                                                                   really recommend it.It gets pretty dirty at the end.

Photo by GLIU Photo
How do you find balance? 

I don’t. I’m very, very lucky that my day job keeps me in a dance studio so I have plenty of time to work on performing as well. I giggled when I saw Bazuka Joe’s ‘Nose the Rhinestone’ challenge because I thought about how much I’d have to cut back to do 30 minutes of work a day. I think that a lot of burlesque performers can relate. 

I do have one day off a week where I’m not teaching and usually not performing and I like to spend it out vintage shopping or going out to eat. Sometimes I even clean my house!

Do you have any advice you would give to up and coming boylesquers who dream of one day wearing the crown?

Photo by Bob Debris
Oh, gosh! Yes, I do. If you really want to win, you’ll have to sacrifice. Whenever I’m sweating over making a costume piece or editing my music or spending all that money on Swarovski crystals (and yes, they NEED to be Swarovski – NOTHING ELSE IS LIKE A GODDAMN SWAROVSKI STOP LYING TO YOURSELVES!) I always ask myself ‘Do you want to win?’ Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes it can actually be no. I say the same thing to my troupe-mates in Don’t Blink Burlesque when it comes to rehearsing or investing in a new group act.  

I don’t just mean have a pretty costume. You need to hone every skill you have and possibly learn some new ones. Better dancing, costuming, acting, editing, and visibility as a performer can only help you on your way. If you really want to win, you need to invest in yourself more.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

B is for Boylesque

Men can do it too!! 

Although burlesque is traditionally considered a female art form, boylesque is a genre within the genre. Boylesque generally refers to male presenting theatrical striptease! Boy oh boy, do we love our boys!! This art form displays extreme amounts of versatility by allowing performers to display exaggerations of femininity, masculinity or sometimes both at the same time! Just like burlesque, there are no boundaries and acts can range from dramatic to acrobatic! The introduction and popularity of boylesque can be seen as one of the key differences between the revival and the golden era of burlesque. Today hundreds of male presenting performers proudly strip and strut alongside their burlesque sisters. Several boylesque festivals have appeared across the globe in locations including SeattleVienna, and New York.  

 Exerpt from the book The ABC Double D's of Burlesque


In Burlesque performance, composition is one of most important elements of the stage performance and the basis to any art!  

The artist or performer uses colours, lights, props and gimmicks to guide the viewer eye through exploring the piece. Extreme high and low contrast mix will always make things pop forward and tend to attract the eyes first. Different stage formations of either props or performers that are closer amplify the effect in either stage or page.

Actions and follow trough

Actions, lines of motion and gestures inspire eye flow, Dancers will throw moves, props and their sassy garments towards the crowd using body parts and facial expressions creating solid defined lines of action harmony.

 Follow through is about the physics or the world around us, the speed or impression of speed in the extreme pose given by the model or drawing. It can also give illusion of weight in different kinds of fabrics.

You must master these elements to create lasting effect on viewer, a solid combo of formation and lines of actions will captivate the audience to flow the story or sequence that you have defined

A hypnotizing effect the composition creates using colours, gesture and line of action!

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Easy and Excellent Act Development

 Whether you are a newbie boobie or an experienced exotic, we all face performer’s block. Developing that next great act can feel difficult, overwhelming or just plain old ‘meh.” In these uninspiring moments it is important to remember to do the work. Take the time to be thoughtful about what you would like to express and try new ways to get there. I love a good brainstorm!! Try this technique on your own or even have a jam session with a like minded burly bestie.

Find your Muse

We call them “seeds.” Anything can be a seed for an upcoming act! Remember that it is just a small piece of the puzzle and it is not a full flushed idea yet. It is a small idea that has the potential to grow into something more. Just keep your eyes and ears open for any words, songs, colours, people, situations, ideas, phrases that might have some potential inspiration. Try collecting any remotely interesting seeds in a way that is easy and convenient for you. Pinterest, notes on your phone or even a good old fashioned notebook are all options. 

Make a Map

Now that you have your itty bitty bits of an idea. Take that one thing and create a mind map around it. Ideally you place your word or idea in the centre of a page and then write down any words or thoughts that you associate with it. If you picked unicorn, write down all the things you can think of that a unicorn would like, what hobbies he might have, where he would hang out and what he would wear. Sometimes there can be comedic value in doing the opposite and writing down all the places and things that a unicorn wouldn’t go, wear or do.

Find your Premise

Start with the end in mind. A simple way to approach an act is to try to think about it as a narrative. What is the story you want to tell? What does your character want? Who or what what stands in their way. A premise explains the entirety of your act in one sentence. Example: A Unicorn wants to fly!

Escalate / Surprise

The great thing about being the creator of your burlesque universe is that there are no limits. Often, the silliest or most imaginative thing you can think of will also translate to being incredibly entertaining when performed on stage. Escalate your scenario! What problems could a unicorn face trying to fly? The element of surprise is key! Maybe the Unicorn tries to use a balloon to fly but ends up popping it with her horn when she lifts off. Try to think of plot twists or an unexpected /interesting reveal.

What are your favourite ways to brainstorm? Let us know in the comments below.


Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The Adjudicating Audience

A few years ago, I was on the adjudication committee for the Vancouver International Burlesque Festival. It was an invaluable experience and opportunity because I was able to see first hand what the experience of a selection committee looks like. Here are the biggest lessons I learnt about applying to burlesque festivals.

1.) Video Quality Matters

We said that it didn’t, but it definitely came into play. If the lighting is so bright I can’t see your facial expressions or half of your routine  is hidden behind an audience member’s head? If the camerawork is shaky or filmed from far away? How can I properly evaluate how awesome you are? I really appreciated the videos that had been filmed in HD where I could clearly see the performer’s performance. Something about having a better quality video definitely suggested professionalism and added a bit of a “wow” factor. A caution however, that it shouldn’t look like a music video. Angles and fades detract from the performance and highlight reels aren’t acceptable.  

2.) Be Shiny

I’m not on the Dita Von Teese level. I can’t afford a super showgirl 10 000 rhinestone encrusted anything either, but, there are plenty of good cheats. Plastic rhinestones mixed with swarovskis or sequin fabric can do just as well. Hire a fellow performer to be ingenious for you if you aren’t costume savvy. I saw many robes but I remember the one that had been made out of sequin fabric. Consider the level of costuming you have seen at other festivals and competitions. It is unnecessary to lose points because your costume was lacking. You must make it a costume before I will believe its a costume.  

3.) Rule of Three aka You Gotta Get a Gimmick

We received so many applications but the ones that were accepted all had something in common. They were more than just a simple strip. I really want to emphasize that the majority of our applicants were not “bad,” its just that the ones accepted were better. They felt like a total package, they had something more. Its not enough to just be a good dancer. Its not enough to just have a good costume. You need to have at least three really positive things going on. Consider whether you have at LEAST three of the following when developing your acts. If you have more than three, chances are its not just a good act, its a GREAT act! 

*Dance Ability/Strip Ability/Stage Presence
*Sex Appeal
*Great Costume

The gimmick is a big one!! A gimmick can be several things: a giant prop, a new and unseen peel, a creative use of a classic burlesque archetype, or even a political message. It can be a magic trick, acrobatic or comedic ability! It can come down to being or doing something that people don’t usually see at a Burlesque show or even in their everyday lives! Remember, however, that a gimmick is still not enough on its own.   

Ok Everybody, I hope this helps!! Make sure that before you apply for a festival or a big competition you ask yourself, “What is it that sets this act apart from any others” and spend the extra cash for a nice video and some shiny bits. Having professional anything suggests that you are a professional. I promise it's worth it. 


Thursday, 18 February 2016

A is for Audience

click to display animated gif!

Why pick A for Audience? Simple. In burlesque, the audience is an integral part of the show! Unlike traditional theatre audiences, burlesque crowds are actively encouraged to vocally show appreciation for performers with hoots, hollers, claps, whistles, and requests to "take it off." The Fourth Wall is a theatrical term for the imaginary “wall” that exists between actors on stage and the audience. Burlesque performers break through this “wall” and perform directly to their audience and invite them to be part of the performance.

Audience engagement is an effective and enjoyable form of entertainment. As members of modern society continue to experience isolation as personal forms of entertainment become more common and accessible, a burlesque show stands as a event to bring people together. We love that burlesque is about shared experience!! Without an audience, there can be no burlesque.

Above is the seven stage process that took the page to its final state.
The sketch, the inked drawing, the shadows , the colour, the highlights and at the end last is the combo of all. The most challenging aspect in this was creating life in the interaction of the characters. There is a harmony between the character interaction which helps to create the impression of a domino effect!  

Colour your own audience! Tag us on any of our social networks to be featured on our blog!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Foreword by Dustin M. Wax

Excerpt from The ABC Double D's of Burlesque

Excerpt from The ABC Double D's of Burlesque
Photo by Dani Blanchette
Dustin M. Wax is a cultural anthropologist and the Executive Director at the Burlesque Hall of Fame. An anthropologist by training, he has taught anthropology and women’s studies at both the community college and university levels. He has worked extensively in the museum and nonprofit worlds, with stints at the University of Nevada Las Vegas Barrick Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, and the Jewizsh Museum, as well as the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. His research interests include artistic production, the history of anthropology, gender roles and sexual identity,  and the representation of culture and identity in scientific literature, museums, and the mass media. He is the author of Don’t Be Stupid: A Guide to Learning, Studying, and Succeeding at College and editor of Anthropology at the Dawn of the Cold War: The Influence of Foundations, McCarthyism, and the CIA.
Dustin has also been active in attempts to use the Internet to improve and broaden research and education, and is a founding contributor to the anthropology site Savage Minds, selected as one of the 20 Best Science Blogs by Nature in 2006. From 2007-2010, he was the managing editor at the personal productivity site, a Technorati Top 100 blog, where he wrote about writing, learning, studying, project management, technology, and other topics in personal development.
For more information on his teaching, research, and writing, please check out his portfolio.

About The Burlesque Hall of Fame 

Photo by Dani Blanchette
The Burlesque Hall of Fame is the world’s premier organization dedicated to preserving the living legacy of burlesque as an art form and cultural phenomenon. With a collection of several thousand costumes, stage props, photographs, and personal effects documenting the careers and lives of burlesque dancers, comics, and producers over nearly a century, the museum is a growing testament to the power and social impact of the art of the tease.

From its humble beginnings as the personal collection of Jennie Lee, the legendary tassel-twirler who first dreamed of a “Burlesque Hall of Fame” in the early 1950s, to its present-day incarnation as the world’s largest and most important archive of vintage burlesque ephemera, The Burlesque Hall of Fame has been one of the world’s only institutions dedicated to preserving the art, artifacts and traditions of this uniquely modern art form.

It was Jennie’s wish that this institution not only honour burlesque’s memory, but also its future. A founding member of the Exotic Dancers League, she was devoted to keeping “the girls” together. As such, in addition to her dream of a world class museum, Jennie’s plans for the Hall of Fame included affordable housing for retired dancers, as well as a school for aspiring stripteasers, who could train there alongside Burlesque’s remaining greats.

Unfortunately, Jennie passed away before she was able to see her dream realized. However, thanks to her dear friend and fellow entertainer, Dixie Evans, it was far from lost. For 15 years after Jennie’s death in 1990, Dixie took up Jennie’s mantle, creating a museum in Helendale, CA, that became a pilgrimage site for not only previous generations of performers but the new generation of “neo-burlesque” performers looking to the past as a model for their own futures.

In 2006, the Burlesque Hall of Fame relocated from Helendale to Las Vegas, NV, in hopes of establishing a permanent, first-rate tourist attraction and research/exhibition space for their one-of-a-kind collection. Today, the museum occupies a space in the Emergency Arts building in the heart of a revitalized Vegas Downtown, where a small part of their several-thousand-piece collection is on display to the public.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Meet the Artists!

Bashar Sawalha is a dedicated creator, writer, illustrator, animator, art director, producer, and a whole lot more. Holding a Bachelor’s of Media Arts and Animation from the Illinois Institute of the Arts In Chicago, Bashar has also attended specialty classes in Story boarding and concept art at Gnomon Workshop (Hollywood) and The Academy of Art (San Francisco). Bashar cut his teeth in production and in the directing of animated advertising in Montreal. Bashar was involved in the growth of the art gallery CTRLLAB and with Shower Curtain Advertising where he developed a new media placement product line in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Bashar has been the head of Collaboratory Productions and Fresh Meat Publishing and is involved in the creation, production and distribution of trans-media Entertainment properties and handling branding, marketing and advertising solutions for clients around the world. Bashar is the proud creator of Inquest of Missing Time, an avant-garde comic and YouTube channel of horror and comedy that aims to sharpen the perspective on the impelling drama of human existence. Bashar is also the inventor of PercoTop, the first portable non-spill water pipe. Bashar has enjoyed working his magic on The ABC Double D’s of Burlesque and taking this project to the next level.

A Vancouver burlesque all star, April O’Peel has been awarded “Most Comedic” overall for her performance at the Burlesque Hall of Fame in Las Vegas NV. Listed as one of the top ten Canadian burlesque performers, April conceptualized and produces the yearly burlesque showcases Burlesque Long Form and Burlesque Duos. April O’Peel is one of the founders of the ongoing revue, Gastown Cabaret where she performs monthly. April is a key member of The Screaming Chicken Theatrical Society having taught burlesque classes, performed, and held office with the board of directors for almost a decade. April is also a feature performer with Canada’s Most Popular Burlesque show, Kitty Nights West. April holds awards for “Comedic and Satirical Brilliance” from the Vancouver International Burlesque Festival where she has performed consecutively since 2008. Choreography credits include SHINE: a burlesque musical and Greece Does Grease. Other notable appearances include the Vancouver Fringe Festival, The Accordion Noir Festival, Whistler Pride and Yuk Yuks Vancouver.
Photo by Frankie Panky

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Whats going on around here!?!?!


It’s here! At last! The ABC Double D’s of Burlesque Blog!!! Dance it out and celebrate your body with the interactive guide to the art of striptease! We love the stage and its colourful creations, the intricate costume designs and props, but most of all, the effect burlesque performance has on its devotees!

Embark on a magical journey of the ABCs and discover secrets of performance and fun untold stories from legends and titans of tease. Learn about the history, costuming techniques and classic burlesque movement from April O’Peel and special guests. Witness the progression and process of the illustration for the book behind the blog and much more.   

Don' miss out on any of the fun and make sure to subscribe to our blog and follow our weekly glorious and glittery updates. Share our guide and your experience with your friends.


 Start from the beginning!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The ABC Double D’s of Burlesque is an illustrated encyclopedia written for both novice and veteran burlesque enthusiasts. A light and bright summary on everything burlesque written by April O'Peel (Screaming Chicken Theatrical Society, "Most Comedic" winner at the Burlesque Hall of Fame) and Bashar Sawalha (Inquest of Missing Time, PercoTop) and featuring illustrations by Bashar Sawalha. Foreword by Executive Director of the Burlesque Hall of Fame Dustin Wax. The ABC Double D’s of Burlesque inform in a manner that is as fun and vibrant as the Neo-Burlesque scene today!

Product release April 2016!